HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners
If your home has a fur-baby or two, you know that there are a lot of responsibilities that come along with having pets. One responsibility that you may be overlooking is how to maintain your HVAC...
5 Ways to Use Your HVAC Unit to Alleviate Allergies
Maintaining your HVAC unit properly is a great way to remove allergens in your home and keep new allergens from entering the air that you and your family breathe. Here are our top 5 tips on how to...
Why Isn’t My Air Conditioner Working?
You wake up one morning and realize that your home is a little warmer than you'd like. You walk over to your thermostat to realize that something is definitely wrong with your air conditioner. You...
Tips on Going Green at Home
Here at Automatic Air we have been dedicated to making homes "greener" for over 40-years. In the 1960's we were one of the first companies in town to install “dual-fuel” hybrid systems. With...
5 Ways to Beat the Heat This Summer
The summer months are in full swing, and the temperature is rising. While it's definitely time to utilize your A/C, there are also some alternative cooling solutions to try. We've got to beat the...
How to Prepare Your Home for Summer
How to Prepare Your Home for Summer The summer months are fast approaching and so is the warm weather that comes with it. If you want to save money on the cost of air-conditioning this summer, check...
Home Automation and AC
The smart home trend is on the rise. It can help save you energy and money and what could be better than that? Automatic Air has the top 3 home devices for AC and home automation. Smart Thermostats-...
Keeping Your Home Warm Without Blasting the Heat
Since Punxsutawney saw his shadow last week and predicted another 6 weeks of winter, we thought it was an ideal time to share different ways to keep your home warm without blasting the heat. The...